Friday, November 19, 2010

Bittersweet Symphony... That's Life

It's another drafting day and I think that I could really get used to Fridays being this laid back and quiet.  I spent the first 3 days of this week in Revit training and for anyone who knows anything about what I'm talking about you know that by the end of day 3 you're so saturated in new information that you just want the entire week to be over.  Yesterday was pretty rough for me but today seems to be a little better.

We got our second screening call Wednesday afternoon and that was kind of cool.  Once again, though, the birthmother had been heavily into drugs during the first 6 months of her pregnancy and the doctors and agency have no idea what the long-term implications of this will have on the unborn baby.  I did some research online and found that it was probably better that we passed on this situation as well.  I just want a happy and healthy, ten fingers, ten toes baby, is that too much to ask?

We also found out yesterday that the gay couple that we took our pre-adoption seminar with was chosen earlier this month.  Hearing that has been kind of bittersweet for me.  I'm *totally* excited for them, ya know?  But at the same time you begin to question everything about all of the paperwork that you submitted.  Why not us?  What could we change?  What exactly is a birth mother looking for?  I don't know…  You hear from a birthmother (a friend Kristen happened to meet on a fluke) that birthmothers would rather pick a gay couple because then there's no competition about who the "mother" is.  And I can't help but wonder if the show "Modern Family" has anything to do with it.  They portray a gay couple who has adopted and everything seems totally fun and happy and goofy.  And I'm sure that it is!  I'll I'm getting at is that there isn't a fun/happy/goofy portrayal of a lesbian adoptive couple out there that birthmothers could relate to.  Maybe that's far-fetched.  I don't know.. again, you question everything.

Another thing that I'm having sort of a hard time with is because, yes, I'm stalking the baby pool website.  Why torture myself, you ask?  Because I like to see progress.  The bum deal about my spreadsheet is that I've been tracking the straights vs. gays vs. lesbian adoptions since the middle of August and there have been about 7 straight adoptions and 4 gay couple adoptions and ZERO (yes, zero) lesbian adoptions.  That would be another reason that I'm frustrated.  Part of me wants to call up the agency and ask when the last lesbian adoption was and the other part of me knows that hearing the answer probably isn't going to make me feel better anyway, so why bother?

Anyway, enough of being a downer.  This last weekend with mom was actually a lot of fun.  We went baby shopping and picked up a bunch of cool things.  I may have broken my "one or two things a month" promise with Kristen, but I get to blame it on mom.  Although, technically mom bought everything this weekend so I should still be able to get my one or two things for this month, right?!?!  Yay!  Probably shouldn't press my luck.

And now we're swinging almost full force into the Holidays and I'm pretty excited for that.  I'm looking forward to some much needed time off and spending time with my family and friends.  We've even planned our 2nd annual family trip to Leavenworth and I'm excited about that as well.  Dad's coming this weekend for Turkey Day before Turkey Day, Mom will be here for Thanksgiving weekend, then the Choke grand opening (I'm gonna win the iPad damnit!), then my company holiday party/Jenn's 30th birthday party!  Busy, busy!  I like having these little things to look forward to.  Kind of takes your mind off of the bigger baby picture for a while, ya know?  I'd even like to get a summer vacation planned soon so that I can start my vacation excitement countdown! 

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