Okay, so my goal is to try to write a post every few days or so. This might be a complete and utter fail in the future, but it appears I am on track to complete that objective.
When we attended the pre-process meeting for the adoption agency we were attending with four other couples who were/are interested in the adoption process. Out of the 5 of the couples in the meeting, only 2 of us have actually entered the waiting pool. I'm not quite sure what stopped the other couples, but the other couple to join the pool are two really amazing guys from Colorado. They appear to be really great guys, and it would be nice to keep in touch with them considering we will have children with not only a process but the same agency inc ommon. I hope that they are picked soon, and since they are a male/male couple, I'm not quite sure how much we are in "competition" with one another.
Each week since we entered the pool, it seems that more and more families are entering. It is kind of a bummer because as each family joins the pool you feel that your chances of being chosen get more and more dilluted. But then at the same time, I am very happy that a birthmother has many families to choose from. This will ensure she has the opportunity to pick a family she really believes in and not just one that she settles for.
The hardest part of this process so far has been the loss of our counselor. She left the agency just after we entered the waiting pool. She emailed us and said her goodbyes, and told us who our new counselor would be. It has been almost 2 months and we have not heard a word from the other counselor. Part of me gets upset because I feel that with the amount of money we are spending, we deserve at least an email from the new counselor acknowledging that she is our new counselor, or at least an email telling us who to contact if we had any questions/comments/concerns.
This has been the most annoying part of the process so far. Lack of communication. It would be nice to get an email maybe bimonthly giving us possible stats of how many times our letter has gone out. But then again that could be a bad thing for some couples. If they get caught up in the numbers. Maybe I'm just whining because at this point I feel that any communication would be better than the lack there of we have been experiencing.
The one thing I have going for me right now is that it is NFL season. Which means I am completely and utterly preoccupied with my fantasy team. Don't judge me. There is something about the sport of football I find completely and utterly fascinating. I love the idea of each down being a new beginning. Unlike basketball, football has pauses and chances for the offense to read the defense and vise verse. It just seems like more of a chess game. A game of strategy that allows you time to setup and create plans to trick and manipulate players on the other team. I dislike the violence that is associated with it, as I do not wish harm upon anyone, but I just love the sport. I get so excited every year.
It is something to distract me. And distraction during the waiting process is key to not over analyzing the process or the time spent waiting. There is another "waiting-family" group meeting coming up soon. I know that Misty is wanting to go to it. The subject this meeting is last minute placements. Hopefully we will learn some interesting things. And since I had a horrible allergy attack last meeting (I didn't really feel very social) I hope that this meeting will allow us the opportunity to meet the other families and make new friends. At least people who can relate to this process with us.
On another note. I have Justin Beiber stuck in my head. Well he personally is not stuck in my head, but his song. Why you ask? Because it comes on the radio every 3 or 4 songs. And since when a song gets stuck in my head it torments me, and causes a neruological response in me that can be described as BAD DANCING, I have been doing the moon walk and shimmy through the house today.
Stop. Picture it. "baby, baby, baaaaaaaaaby, OOOOO" Yeah, exactly. That is my current reality. I need help. Seriously, I hope this Beiber fever breaks soon.
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