Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's been a while...

I had hoped that 2011 was going to start out a lot less painful than 2010, but that wasn't in the stars for me.  I found out that my mentor of 7 years died on January 21st at the age of 35.  I spent most of the week after I found out in complete shock and disbelief that it had even happened.  He and I didn't part ways on very good terms but I think that over time we had a mutual understanding that things were okay between us.  I don't know.  It makes you really stop and realize that anything can happen at any time and you shouldn't take for granted that you'll have tomorrow to say you're sorry or that you love someone.  Anyway, before I go getting all mooshie...

Our Leavenworth getaway was great fun this year!  My little brother showed up with his girlfriend this year and we all had a really good time.  We posted tons of photos and videos on our Facebook pages about the tubing.  They raised the prices from $10 to $15 so we were only able to go one time this year (just because I hate spending other people's money).  It was still as fun as ever, though.  I think that we've made tentative plans to take the Friday before off next year and go snowmobiling.  That would be so much fun and something that I've never done before!  We even made plans to head up to Leavenworth sometime over the summer to go whitewater rafting.  I love that we're making memories :)

I'm sitting here in Durango, Colorado trying not to freeze my nether-regions off.  It was -15 degrees at 7:00 this morning and I'm pretty sure that's the coldest weather that I've ever been in.  Probably wasn't the smartest thing to land here last night wearing only a tshirt and hoodie, but whatever.  I'll learn for next time.  Oh, and I learned that people from Durango are called Durangotangs.  Love it!

So not much has changed as far as the adoption stuff goes.  I had to miss this month's meeting (which was tonight) because of travelling and that pretty much sucks.  We haven't been to a meeting since the beginning of December and I'm starting to miss the topics and contact with other adoptive parents.  I think that our agency may have lost another counselor out of the Seattle office and that kind of weirds me out.  That'll be two counselors in about 4 months and the turnover is slightly disheartening.  I'm not positive that that happened but a few things have pointed toward the idea that one of the more vocal counselors no longer works there.  Otherwise things are pretty much the same.  Just waiting and watching couples enter and exit the pool.  There still hasn't been a lesbian couple adoption yet, but I'm remaining hopeful that 2011 will be a new year.  Speaking of adoption, my longtime friend's adoption of her little boy will be finalized tomorrow.  I'm super excited for them.

They say that keeping busy is a way to make the time go by faster so that you're not constantly is "wait mode" for a baby.  Kristen and I haven't really planned our summer vacation yet (*ahem* KRISTEN), but hopefully we will soon.  But we did, however, sign up for this:!

Pretty cool, huh!  And it's not just *us*, I've gotten about 10 of my closest friends and family to go out and get muddy with us!  I'm actually really looking forward to this.  I'm not much of a runner, believe me.  My mentality is that in order for me to actual want to run, I better be chasing something (like soccer) or something better be chasing me (like a tiger).  I don't run just to run but there's something about this whole event that appeals to the butchy athelete side of me.  Michele and I are going to spend weekends finding hay bales and junk cars to hop over to get ready for July 16th!  This is going to be so much fun.

Anyway, with the time difference it's almost 10:30 here so I should start thinking about sleeping.  I have to be downstairs at 8:00am to head to the airport for home.  I think that I caught a crappy cold on the plane but I'm hoping that maybe it just has to do with the change in weather and altitude or something.  I don't have time for a cold right now!

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